Fat soluble vitamins Therapeutic schedule of vitamin B12 Neurological consequ…
ESSAYS 1. 25-year-old female presented with fever, malar rash, photosensitivi…
ESSAYS 1. 25 years old female from a village brought to casualty in drowsy st…
ESSAYS 1. A 25 years old male is admitted with fever, myalgia, arthralgia, he…
Causes of hyponatremia Management of hyponatremia Causes of hypokalemia Caus…
RA factor Treatment of osteoarthritis Diagnostic criteria for rheumatoid arth…
ESSAYS 1. A 50 year old man a known diabetic, staying alone was brought in an…
ESSAYS 1. A 20 years old lady presented with decreased urine output of less t…
Drugs causing gynecomastia Fixed drug eruptions List ACE inhibitors Silden…
AGEING Causes of hypoproteinemia Osteoporosis Causes of fall in elderly …
ESSAYS 1. A 60 years lady presents with tingling, fatigue and passing dark ta…
Anatomy of skin Acanthosis nigricans Superficial mycosis of the skin Cause…
ESSAYS 1. A 55 years old man presents with insomnia, lack of interest and sui…
Radiological features of staphylococcus aureus pneumonia Radiological features…
ESSAYS 1. 40 year old individual presented with fatigue, weight loss and upper…
ESSAYS 1. 35 year old individual was found to have mild pallor and BP of 160/…
ESSAYS 1. A 40 years old male presented with twitching of right upper lim…
ESSAYS 1. A 25 years old male presents with history of cough with productive …
Meiosis Apoptosis X-linked disorders Name four diseases caused by sex linked…