1. A 50 year old man a known diabetic, staying alone was brought in an unconscious state with history of irregular treatment, poor food intake and alcohol abuse. He also had non healing foot ulcers. Answer the following:
  •  What is your clinical diagnosis
  •  How will you evaluate his clinical condition
  •  What emergency treatment will you give to this patient
  •  What are the likely causes of foot ulcers in this patient (2+3+2+3)

2. A 20 years young boy presented with history of nausea, vomiting and pain abdomen to emergency department. He also gives history of excessive thirst and loss of weight. Answer the following

  •  What is your diagnosis
  •  What investigation you do
  •  How do you manage (2+4+4=10)

3. 25 years old female patient with 28 weeks of gestation, primigravida is found to have random blood sugar level of 250 mg per dl. Answer the following
  •  Describe the diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes mellitus.
  •  What are the features of gestational diabetes mellitus.
  •  Drugs used in gestational diabetes mellitus. (3+3+4=10)

  1. Diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis
  2. Management of diabetes ketoacidosis
  3. Drugs used in type 2 diabetes
  4. Management of hypoglycemic coma
  5. Peripheral neuropathy
  6. Causes of hypoglycemia
  7. Sulphonylureas
  8. Biguanides
  9. Insulin analogues/ Insulin preparations
  10. Side effects of insulin therapy
  11. Acanthosis nigricans
  12. Diabetes insipidus
  13. Four classes of oral hypoglycemic agents with one example each
  14. Chronic complications of diabetes mellitus
  15. Micro vascular complications of diabetes mellitus
  16. Glycosylated haemoglobin 
  17. Clinical features of Addison’s disease
  18. Myxedema coma management
  19. Clinical features of thyrotoxicosis
  20. Treatment of thyrotoxicosis
  21. Hypothyroidism
  22. Hypothyroidism in pregnancy
  23. Subclinical hypothyroidism
  24. Diagnosis of hypothyroidism