1. 40 year old individual presented with fatigue, weight loss and upper abdominal discomfort. Clinical examination revealed hepatosplenomegaly and ascites. Answer the following:

• What other history will you elicit to detect the possible etiology of his disease
• What investigations will you do to evaluate his condition
• How will you manage this case
• What are the complications of this condition (2+3+2+3)

2. 40 years old female non-alcoholic developed yellowish discoloration of sclera and urine. She developed vomiting and right hypochondrial pain. Answer the following:
  • What is your probable diagnosis
  • How will you confirm the diagnosis
  • How will you treat this condition
  • How will you prevent this disease 

  1. Aphthous ulcer
  2. Complications of gastro esophageal reflux disease
  3. Treatment of hematemesis
  4. Four most common causes of upper Gastro Intestinal bleeding
  5. Liver cirrhosis
  6. Mechanism of ascites in cirrhosis of liver 
  7. Mention four complications of cirrhosis
  8. Hepatic encephalopathy
  9. Hepato-jugular reflux
  10. Natural history of chronic hepatitis B infection
  11. Laboratory diagnosis of hepatitis B infection
  12. Hepatitis B vaccination
  13. Complications of acute viral hepatitis
  14. Fulminant hepatitis
  15. Alpha-Fetoprotein.
  16. Causes of portal hypertension
  17. Gamma glutamyl transferase
  18. Lab diagnosis of post hepatic (cholestatic) jaundice
  19. Lab features of pre hepatic jaundice (haemolytic)
  20. Lab features of hepatocellular jaundice
  21. Complications of acute pancreatitis
  22. Causes of chronic pancreatitis
  23. Investigations in chronic pancreatitis
  24. Complications of chronic pancreatitis.
  25. Complications of peptic ulcer
  26. Antibiotic regimens for eradication of helicobacter pylori
  27. Consequences of helicobacter pylori infection
  28. Irritable bowel syndrome
  29. Complications of ulcerative colitis
  30. Differences between ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
  31. Drugs used in the management of inflammatory bowel disease
  32. Extra intestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease
  33. Causes of hematemesis
  34. Chronic diarrhea
  35. Esophageal strictures
  36. Odynophagia
  37. Medical causes of acute abdomen
  38. Coeliac disease
  39. Achalasia cardia