1. A 25 years old male is admitted with fever, myalgia, arthralgia, head ache and
photophobia. His WBC count is 3800 and platelet count 20000. His vitals are normal and there were no bleeding manifestations. Answer the following:
  • What is your probable diagnosis
  • How will you confirm the diagnosis
  • How will you manage this patient
  • What are the preventive measures (2+3+2+3)

2. A 30 years old individual presented with five days of fever with vesicular umbilicated mainly centrally distributed rash followed by altered sensorium. Answer the following:

• What is your diagnosis
• What are the causes of vesicular lesions.
• How will you manage this patient
• How will you prevent this disease (2+3+2+3)

3. A young male with high risk behaviour had loss of weight, chronic diarrhea and chronic cough. Answer the following:
  • What is your diagnosis
  • What are the other causes of this condition
  • How will you investigate this patient
  • How will you manage (2+3+2+3)

4. 55 years old lady comes to OPD with history of fever, weakness, generalized
lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly. Answer the following
  •  What are the differential diagnosis.
  •  How to investigate this patient.
  •  How to manage if it is tubercular lymphadenitis.
  •  What are the complications of tuberculosis. (2+2+3+3=10)


  1. Antibiotic regimens for eradication of helicobacter pylori
  2. Diagnosis of H.pylori infection
  3. Treatment of leprosy/ Drugs used in leprosy
  4. Dapsone
  5. Erythema nodosum leprosum
  6. Type 1 lepra reaction
  7. Leptospirosis
  8. Clinical features of leptospirosis
  9. Management of leptospirosis/ Management of Weil’s disease 
  10. Post streptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN)
  11. Diagnosis of salmonella infection
  12. Complications of typhoid fever
  13. Traveller’s diahorrea
  14. Dengue fever
  15. Pathogenesis of dengue fever
  16. Warning signs in dengue fever
  17. Lab diagnosis of dengue fever
  18. Treatment of chloroquine resistant malaria
  19. Treatment of falciparum malaria
  20. Complications of falciparum malaria.
  21. Treatment of P vivax malaria
  22. Treatment of drug resistant malaria
  23. Chemoprophylaxis of malaria
  24. Cerebral malaria
  25. Antimalarial drugs
  26. Amoebic liver abscess
  27. Drugs for hepatic amoebiasis
  28. Drugs used for extra intestinal amoebiasis
  29. Amoebic colitis
  30. Risk factor for HIV infection
  31. Modes of transmission of HIV
  32. Post exposure prophylaxis for needle stick injuries for HIV positive patient
  33. Opportunistic infection in AIDS when CD4 count <50
  34. Criteria for initiating anti-retroviral therapy
  35. Drugs and regimens used in anti retroviral therapy in the national programme
  36. Tropical sprue
  37. Swine flu
  38. Prophylaxis for H1N1 influenza (swine flu)
  39. Treatment of chicken pox
  40. Acyclovir
  41. Tenofovir
  42. Category 1 treatment schedule in RNTCP program
  43. Drug toxicity of drugs used in category 1 RNTCP program
  44. Second line antituberculous drugs
  45. Meningitis-Bacterial, Viral, Tubercular
  46. Investigations for tubercular meningitis
  47. Clinical features and management of tetanus
  48. Post exposure prophylaxis for rabies
  49. Uses of rifampicin
  50. Name antibiotics safe in pregnancy
  51. Quinolones
  52. Uses of probiotics
  53. Four indications of doxycycline