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Second Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary  Examinations, September 2015
Pharmacology- Paper I
Time: 2 Hours                                                             Total Marks: 40
      Answer all questions
      Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays:         (2x6=12)
1.    Enumerate four groups of drugs used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Describe the pharmacological actions and adverse effects of levodopa. What is the advantage of combining levodopa with the peripheral  decarboxylase inhibitor.           (2+3+1= 6)
2.    Read the clinical problem and answer the following questions:  30 years old man was admitted in emergency ward with acute abdominal pain. After diagnosed with acute appendicitis, he was taken for surgery. On the operation table, after administration of a skeletal muscle relaxant, patient developed difficulty in breathing and went in for apnoea.

       Which skeletal muscle relaxant is responsible for this reaction.
       What is the reason for the apnoea.
How will you manage the patient.
Short notes:
3.    Trans dermal therapeutic system
4.    Amphetamine
5.    Second generation antihistamines
6.    Tramadol
7.    Ramipril
Answer briefly:
8.    Rationale for use of calcium channel blockers in angina
9.    Rationale for use of ethanol in methanol poisoning
10.  Rationale for use of prostaglandin in acid peptic disease
11.  Rationale for use of physostigmine in atropine poisoning
12.  Pharmacovigilance
Name two drugs:
13.  Cholinesterase reactivators
14.  Intravenous general anesthetics
15.  Inhalational steroids
16.  Centrally acting muscle relaxants
17.  Nasal decongestants
18.  Pure opioid  antagonists
19.  Low molecular weight heparins
20.  Cardio selective beta blockers