QP Code: 201001                                 Reg. no.: …………………

Second Professional MBBS Degree Examinations, April 2013

Pharmacology- Paper I

Time: 3 Hours                                       Total Marks: 40

      Answer all questions
      Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essays:       (2x6=12)

1.    A 24year old man is brought to the hospital with complaints of unconsciousness  , sustained contractions (tonic) of all the body muscles followed by periods of muscle contraction alternating with periods of relaxations(clonic)  lasting  1 to 2 minutes .  Answer the following:
       What are the drugs that can be prescribed to this patient.
       Describe the pharmacokinetics and adverse effects of any one such drug.
       What is the treatment of status epilepticus.        (2+3+1=6)

2.    Classify diuretic agents. Describe the mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of furosemide.     (2+2+1+1=6)

Short notes:           (5x3=15)

3.    Calcium channel blockers
4.    Drug treatment of anti cholinesterase poisoning
5.    Kinetics of elimination
6.    Halothane
7.    Nicorandil
Answer briefly:       (5x1=5)

8.      Rationale of combining beta blockers with long acting nitrates
9.      Clinical uses of prostaglandins
10.   Mechanism of action of disulfiram
11.   Flumazenil
12.   Hofmann elimination
Name two drugs for:         (8x1=8)

13.  Drugs used in Myasthenia gravis
14.  Uterine relaxants
15.  Mast cell stabilizers
16.  Mucolytics
17.  Low molecular weight heparins
18.  Anti platelet drugs
19.  Drug induced parkinsonism
20.  5HT antagonists