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Second Professional MBBS Degree Examinations, February 2015
Hematology and Systemic Pathology - Paper ll
Time: 2 Hours                           Total Marks: 40

  • Answer all questions
  • Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay: (8)
1. Classify the tumors of the uterus. Discuss the pathology of leiomyoma. Add a note on secondary changes in leiomyoma. (2+3+3=8)
Short essay: (6)
2. A 50 years old male presented with weakness, pallor and massive splenomegaly. Blood examination revealed marked increase in the total count. Answer the following:

  • What is the probable diagnosis.
  • What are the peripheral smear findings.
  • What is the genetic abnormality.
  • What are the different stages of disease progression. (1 +2+1 +2=6)

Short notes: (4x4=1 6)
3. Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid.
4. Osteosarcoma
5. Emphysema
6. Meningioma
Answer briefly: (4x2=8)
7. Gross and microscopy of ulcerative colitis
8. Nephroblastoma
9. Dermoid cyst of ovary
10. Aschoffs bodies

Answer in single sentence (4x0.5=2 )

11. Principle of sickling test
12. Leukoplakia
13. Mott cell
14. Baretts oesophagus