Q.P.Code: 205001 Reg. no.: ................... ..
Second Professional MBBS Degree Examinations, February 2015
Microbiology - Paper I
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40

  • Answer all questions
  • Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay: (10)
1. Read the following clinical history and answer the following questions:
A young adult male met with an accident on the high way and sustained severe injury to the right thigh. On examination there was foul smelling discharge and crepitus at some of the areas.

  • What is the probable diagnosis
  • Name the etiological agents
  • What are the specimens to be sent for the laboratory
  • Describe the laboratory diagnosis briefly
  • What is the prophylaxis. (1+2+2+4+1= 10)

Short essay: (2x5=10)

2. Leptospirosis
3. Agglutination reactions

Short notes: (10x2=20)
4. Super antigen with an example
5. Immunological effects of TNF
6. Immunological tolerance
7. Hereditary angioneurotic edema
8. Primary mediators of type I hypersensitivity
9. Diarrhaegenic Escherichia coli
10.Non-gonococcal urethritis
11. Mycobacterium avium- intracellular complex
12. Satellitism
13. Scrub typhus.