August 13, 2015

- AMYAND'S HERNIA: presence of inflamed appendix in inguinal hernia
- BARTHS HERNIA: hernia of loops of intestine between abd wall and persistent vitello intestinal duct
- BECLARDS- through the spontaneous opening
- BERGERS HERNIA: hernia of Douglas pouch
- BOCHDALEK HERNIA : congenital posterolateral hernia of diaphragm
- CLOQUET HERNIA: femoral hernia perforating pectineus aponeurosis
- COOPERS HERNIA: bilocular femoral hernia
- CALLISON-CLOQUET: pectenius muscle and its facia
- DE GARENGEOTS HERNIA: incarceration of appendix within femoral hernia
- GIBBONS HERNIA: hernia with hydrocoele
- GRUBERS HERNIA: internal mesogastric hernia
- GRYNFELTS HERNIA-upper lumbar trianglar hernia
- HESSELBACKHS -lateral to femoral artery
- HEYS HERNIA:encysted, scrotal or oblique inguinal hernia
- HALTHUSE HERNIA:inguinal hernia that turned outward into groin
- HERNIA VTH OUT SAC- epigastric hernia
- HERNIA VTH OUT NECK: direct hernia and incisional hernia
- KRONLEIM HERNIA: inguinoproperitoneal hernia
- LARRY'S HERNIA: morgagni hernia
- LAUGIERS- through the lacunar ligament
- LITTERS- meckels diverticulum
- LUMBAR PETITIS HERNIA: through petits triamgle
- MESOCOLIC HERNIA:transmesentric hernia
- MORGAGNI HERNIA: through Larry's space in the diaphragm
- MAYDLS HERNIA/HERNIA EN W/RETROGRADE HERNIA-2 loops of bowel remaining in the sac with connecting loop inside the abdomen
- NARATH- in congenital dislocation oh hip,behind the femoral artery
- OGILIVE: circular orifice in conjpint tendon
- PANTALOON HERNIA: direct and indirect on same side
- PHANTOM HERNIA: hernia following paralysis of muscles of lumbar region
- PANTALOON HERNIA: combined direct and indirect hernia
- PHANTOMS HERNIA:localised muscle bulge following paralysis
- RICHTERS- circumferance of bowel become strangulated
- RIEUX HERNIA- retrocaecal Hernia
- ROKINTASKY HERNIA:separation of muscle fibres of bowel allowing protrusion of mucous sac
- ROMBERG HERNIA - saddle hernia
- SEROFINI HERNIA- behind femoral vessels
- SPIGELIAN:intraparietal at level of arcuate line
- SLIDING/HERNIA EN GLISSAE- hernia forms posterior wall
- SEROFINIS - behind the femoral vessels
- TREITZ HERNIA:paraduodenal hernia
- TEALS- infront of femoral vessels
- VELPEAU HERNIA:femoral hernia in front if femoral vessels..