"Camera Has Three Lens So Take Three Photos" Capitate - 1 Camera Hamat…
1. Apple core sign - colon ( colorectal carcinoma). 2. Apple peel appearence - int…
AMYAND'S HERNIA: presence of inflamed appendix in inguinal hernia BARTHS H…
1. Father of Biology , Embryology&Zoology - ARISTOTLE . 2. Father of Anatomy …
Remember the mnemonic " SAFE Mom Take Really Good Care " S-SULFONAMIDE…
1.Nervus intermedius of wrisberg -sensory component of facial nerve 2.Jacobson…
1.Orange placenta---- syphilis 2.Orange tonsils --- Tangiers disease 3.peau'd o…
There is an easy way to remember the 5 areas where heart sounds can be heard (ie, …
Ancylostomiasis (hook worm)-Ancylostoma duodenale-5 wks to 9 months Ascariasis- A…
Weitbrechts ligament-The oblique cord connecting the ulna and the radius Pouparts…