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Monday 26 November 2012


First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations, August 2012
Time:2 Hrs                                                                                        Total Marks:50
  • Answer all questions
  • Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Long essay (10)
1. A 4 year old child swallowed a shirt button. Since the child began to suffocate she was rushed to the hospital, where on x-ray examination,impaction of foreign body in the larynx was confirmed. Based on your knowledge in anatomy, answer the following questions.
Which is the narrowest part of the laryngeal cavity
Briefly describe the interior of larynx
Which muscle is known as the safety muscle of the larynx and why
Name the joints at which the muscles of larynx act and briefly mention the movements taking place at these joints
What anatomical structures in the midline of neck are encountered during surgical approach to trachea below isthmus of thyroid gland          (1+3.5+1+2.5+2=10)

Short essay                                                              (3×5=15)
2. Anal canal
3. Spinal cord-gross anatomical features, blood supply and vertebral levels of spinal segments
4. Inguinal canal-extent, boundaries, contents and applied anatomy

Sort notes:                                                              (5×3=15)
5. Posterior triangle of neck
6. Lacrimal apparatus
7. Corpus callosum
8. Microscopic structure of palatine tonsil
9. First branchial arch

Short answers:                                                       (3×2=6)
10. Enumerate the muscles of the soft palate
11. Deep perineal pouch and its contents
12. Derivatives of pre arterial segments of midgut loop

Draw diagram:                                                       (2×2=4)
13. Horizontal section through the abdomen at the level of L4  vertebra
14. Circle of Willis