Paper II
(Haematology and Systemic Pathology)
Time: 2 hours
Total marks: 40
Answer in single sentence
1. MEN type-I
2. Mott cell.
3. Caplan’s syndrome.
4. Schiller- Duval body (4x1/2=2 marks)
5. A 50 year old man developed sudden chest pain with
vomiting. He was dysnoeic. O/E he
was febrile. ECG- showed ST elevation and T wave inversion.
TC-15,200/cmm, ESR:
40mm/hr. The patient died 12 hours later.
• What is your diagnosis? Give reasons.
• What are the lab.investigations to be done at the time of
• Describe the gross and microscopic features of the organ
primarily involved .
• List four major complications.
Write short answers on:
6. Peripheral smear findings in Megaloblastic anaemia
7. List the hepatocyte changes in acute viral hepatitis.
8. Classification of renal cell carcinoma
9. Ring sideroblast (4x2=8 marks)
10. Classify tumors of the lung.
Briefly discuss the etiopathogenesis of carcinoma of lung
Describe the gross and microscopy of the most common
malignant tumour of lung.
Write Short notes on:
11. Etiopathogenesis of Peptic ulcer.
12. Lab. Investigations in Multiple myeloma
13. Medullary carcinoma of thyroid.
14. Paget’s disease of bone. (4x4=16)