This section contains chapter wise arrangement of Previously asked questions in MBBS Degree Examinations conducted by KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences)
  1. Describe the sources, RDA, biochemical functions and deficiency manifestations of vitamin D
  2. (2+1+5+2=10)
  3. Describe the source, dietary requirements, biochemical functions and deficiency manifestations of vitamin A (1+1+4+4=10)
  4. Active forms of vitamin A and the deficiency manifestations
  5. Biochemical functions and deficiency manifestations of vitamin B12  (3+2=5)
  6. Mention the normal level of serum calcium. Explain the hormonal regulation of serum calcium
  7. Role of calcitonin in regulation of calcium homeostasis
  8. Calcitriol
  9. Discuss the co-enzyme role of thiamine and the deficiency disorder
  10. Biochemical functions of thiamine
  11. Name the coenzyme forms of niacin and write important functions of each one of them.
  12.  Co-enzyme form of pyridoxine
  13. Functions of biotin/ Co-enzyme functions of biotin
  14. Biochemical role of vitamins
  15. Metabolic role of vitamin C
  16. Deficiency of vitamin C
  17. Vitamin K cycle/ Functions of vitamin K
  18. Function and deficiency manifestations of vitamin E
  19. What is provitamin . Give one example
  20. Name any two trace elements and mention the biological functions of each of them
  21. Clinical features of rickets
  22. Diseases related to copper metabolism
  23. Mention the copper containing enzymes
  24. What is ceruloplasmin
  25. Wilsons disease/ Enzyme deficient in Wilson's disease
  26. Menke's disease
  27. Mention the functions of zinc/ Enumerate the functions of zinc in the body
  28. List the functions of selenium
  29. Name two selenium containing enzymes
  30. Functions of magnesium
  31. Name the most important extra cellular cation and write its normal serum level
  32. Give the normal serum levels of Calcium and Sodium
  33. Mention the normal serum calcium level
  34. Describe the Wald’s visual cycle
  35. List anti vitamins and mention one example
  36. Folate antagonists