This section contains chapter wise arrangement of Previously asked questions in MBBS Degree Examinations conducted by KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences)
- Discuss in detail the mechanism by which kidney maintains the blood ph. What is meant by metabolic acidosis and how it is compensated? (7+3=10)
- Renal mechanism of regulation of blood pH
- What is metabolic acidosis? Give one example of a disease associated with it.
- Respiratory acidosis
- Differences between metabolic acidosis and respiratory acidosis
- Plasma buffers/Explain briefly on blood buffers and add a note renal mechanism of maintaining acid base balance
- Important buffer in intracellular fluid
- What is the role of kidney in acid base regulation?
- Mention the normal sodium level and clinical manifestation of hyponatremia
- Normal serum concentration of sodium and potassium
- Explain why edema develops in hypo albuminemia