This section contains chapter wise arrangement of Previously asked questions in MBBS Degree Examinations conducted by KUHS(Kerala University of Health Sciences)

  1. Describe the auditory pathway. List the types of deafness with a note on audiometry
  2. Give an account of visual pathway. What is the effect of a lesion of right optic tract?
  3. Describe the formation, composition and functions of aqueous humour.
  4. Functions of middle ear.
  5. Theories of hearing
  6. Impedence matching
  7. Functions of vestibular apparatus
  8. Organ of Corti
  9. Colour blindness
  10. Accommodation reflex
  11. Near response in normal eye
  12. Dark adaptation
  13. Presbyopia
  14. Anosmia
  15. Taste buds

Explain the Physiological basis
  1. Dark adaptation
  2. Hypermetropia
  3. Nystagmus is observed in vestibular diseases
  4. Near point of vision recedes rapidly with advancing age/ A 50 years old lady finds difficulty in reading and doing close work.
  5. Cochlear microphonics
  6. Masking in audition

Draw and Label
  1. Visualpathway
  2. Auditory pathway
  3. Taste pathway
  4. Wald’s visual flow chart
  5. Organ of corti