This section contains chapter wise arrangement of Previously asked questions in MBBS Degree Examinations conducted by KUHS(Kerala University of Health Sciences)
Name the components of the enteric nervous system and
outline its functions
- List any four functions of hypothalamus and explain any one/ Name the nuclei of hypothalamus. Enumerate the functions of hypothalamus and describe any one in detail.
- Role of hypothalamus in temperature regulation
- Role of hypothalamus in feeding behavior
- Functions of Cerebellum/ Draw the functional divisions of cerebellum. Explain the functions of these divisions with referring to their connections.
- Features of cerebellar lesions
- Role of the cerebellum in motor control
- Cerebellum in voluntary activity
- Denervation hypersensitivity
- Pathway of pain from the face
- Descending analgesic system
- Gate control theory of pain
- Role of nigrostrial pathway in regulating cortical activity
- Parkinsonism
- Types of EEG wave forms/ Waves in EEG
- Mention the stages of sleep
- Differences between REM and NREM sleep
- Paradoxical sleep.
- Conditioned reflex
- Disynaptic reflex
- Decelerate rigidity
- Sensory homunculus
- Brown-sequard syndrome
- Aphasia
- Functions of thalamus/ Describe connections and functions of thalamus
- Functions of limbic system
Explain the Physiological basis
- Clasp knife rigidity
- Cogwheel rigidity
- Patients with sensory ataxia lose balance on closing their eyes
- Diaphragmatic pain is felt at the tipoff the shoulder
- Pain in the arm during cardiac angina
- Pain disappears by rubbing the affected area Babinski’s sign in new born
- Phantom limb
- Abnormal plantar reflex in neurological diseases
- Left internal capsule lesion produces right hemiplegia
- Blood brain barrier
- Lumbar puncture is done at L2-L3 level
Draw and Label
- Pain pathway from origin to termination
- Pathway of stretch reflex
- Cortico spinal tract/ Corticospinal tracts from it’s orgin to termination
- Lateral spinothalamic tract
- Multipolar Neuron
- Functional areas of cerebral cortex
1. A 60 year old man was brought to the casualty with the
complaints of sudden onset of inability to move his right upper limb and lower limb.
He gave a history of treatment for hypertension since 10 years. On examination
he presented with-Hemiplegia with UMN facial nerve palsy of the right side
- Name the tract affected in this patient
- Mention the most probable site of lesion
- Trace the affected pathway with the help of a diagram
- State the differentiating features of Upper Motor Neurons and Lower Motor Neuron lesions
- Comment on the tone of the muscles of the affected side (1+1+4+2+2=10 marks)
2. A 50 yrs old male comes with the history of difficulty to
walk. On examination there is rigidity and resting tremors. His gait is
What is your diagnosis?
- How do you describe this rigidity and the resting tremor and explain their physiological basis.
- Name the parts of the brain involved.
- Describe the important functional connections. (1+3+2+4=10)
3. A 50 year old patient of hypertension suddenly developed
weakness of right upper and lower extremities and difficulty in speaking
following a brief episode of loss of consciousness. On examination motor tone
of is right extremities was found to be increased. Answer the following
question based on your knowledge in physiology:
- What would an examination of power and deep tendon reflexes of the patient reveal?
- What would examination of the plantar reflex of the patient most likely reveal?
- Explain the physiologicalbasisof the findings of deep tendon reflexes in the patient
- What is the most likely clinical diagnosis of this condition?
4. A 40 years old man came to the OPD with a gait
characterized by raising his feet unnecessarily high and bringing it down in a
stamping manner (stamping gait). He also stood with his feet wide apart and
tended to fall to the right with eyes closed. Answer the following questions
based on your knowledge in physiology:
- Where is the lesion in this patient?
- Describe the neural tract involved in this patient with the help of a diagram
- What are the sensations carried by this tract
- What is dissociated anesthesia (1+5+2+2=10)
5. A 70 year old hypertensive male has come to the hospital
with complaints of inability to use the right upper and lower limb. Physical
examination revealed hypertension + and exaggerated deep tendon reflexes on the
right side. Babinski’s sign was positive on the right side. Answer the
following questions based on your knowledge in physiology
- Name the clinical condition
- Explain the physiological basis of the above finding
- Differentiate between upper and lower motor neuron lesion
- Why Babinski’s sign is positive (1+5+3+1=10)
6. An elderly man was admitted to the hospital with
complaints of intense central chest pain with radiation to left arm. Answer the
following questions based on your knowledge in physiology:
- What is the cause of the pain in the left arm and explain its mechanism.
- Describe the pain pathway in detail.
- Mention gate control theory of pain sensation (3+5+2=10)