This section contains chapter wise arrangement of Previously asked questions in MBBS Degree Examinations conducted by KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences)
  1. Name the sulphur containing amino acid. Discuss metabolism of the essential amino acid of this group and add a note on associated inborn errors.  (1+5+4=10 marks)
  2. Important compounds derived from glycine/Mention the reactions by which glycine is synthesized and catabolized. Add a note on the specialized products formed and mention the disorders associated with glycine metabolism (2+6+2=10)
  3. Describe the various mechanisms by which ammonia is detoxified in the body& add a note on urea cycle disorders(7+3=10)
  4. Describe the pathway for synthesis of urea. Add a note on the regulation of the pathway. Name two conditions in which blood urea is increased giving the biochemical basis or enzyme defect (5+3+2=10)
  5. Define urea cycle and describe the reactions of urea cycle
  6. Describe the reactions of urea cycle. Discuss the interrelationship between urea cycle and citric acid cycle
  7. Mention the normal blood urea level. Explain how urea is synthesized in the body
  8. Energy expenditure in Urea cycle
  9. What is active methionine. Mention two examples of transmethylation reaction.
  10. Functional classification of proteins
  11. Enumerate essential amino acids/ Name four essential amino acids.
  12. Discuss the metabolism of phenyl alanine
  13. Oroticaciduria
  14. Homocystinurias
  15. Phenylketonuria
  16. Alkaptonurea/ Enzyme defect in alkaptonuria
  17. Hartnup’s disease
  18. Albinism
  19. Ketogenic amino acids
  20. Active methionine
  21. Name two plasma transport proteins and mention their role
  22. Polyamines/ Name the polyamines and mention its functions
  23. Define transamination and explain by giving two examples.  (1+4=5)
  24. Trans methylation reactions/Mention three examples of trans methylation reactions
  25. VMA
  26. Mention the chemical name of lecithin
  27. Secondary structure of proteins
  28. Define iso-electric pH, State properties of a protein at its isoelectric pH
  29. Name two transport proteins
  30. Importance of glutamine
  31. Glutathione/Biological action of glutathione
  32. GABA
  33. Covalent modification
  34. Enzyme defect in maple syrup urine disease
  35. Name the biochemical test for phenyl ketonuria
  36. Normal level of serum albumin
  37. Mention two examples of biologically important peptides/ Mention two biologically active peptides
  38. Denaturation/ Bond not broken in denaturation of protein
  39. Heat coagulation
  40. Sources of ammonia
  41. Folate trap
  42. Alpha helix
  43. List the compounds formed from arginine
  44. List  two examples of mucopolysaccharides.