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Monday 8 June 2015


Q168: Blood specimen for neonatal thyroid screening is obtained on ?
A) Cord blood
B) 24 hours after birth
C) 48 hours after birth
D) 72 hours after birth

Answer: A) Cord blood

Q169: A child with recurrent urinary tract infections is most likely to show ?
A) Posterior urethral valves
B) Vesicoureteric reflux
C) Neurogenic bladder
D) Renal and ureteric calculi

Answer: B) Vesicoureteric reflux

Q170: The appropriate approach to a neonate presenting with vaginal bleeding on day 4 of life is ?
A) Administration of Vitamin K
B) Investigation for bleeding disorder
C) No specific therapy
D) Administration of 10 ml/kg of fresh frozen plasma over 4 hours

Answer: C) No specific therapy

Q171: Which one of the following drugs is used for fetal therapy of congenital adrenal hyperplasia ?
A) Hydrocortisone
B) Prednisolone
C) Fludrocortisone
D) Dexamethasone

Answer: D) Dexamethasone

Q172: The coagulation profile in a 13-year old girl with Menorrhagia having von Willebrands disease is ?
A) Isolated prolonged PTT with a normal PT
B) Isolated prolonged PT with a normal PTT
C) Prolongation of both PT and PTT
D) Prolongation of thrombin time

Answer: A) Isolated prolonged PTT with a normal PT

Q173: All of the following are true about manifestations of vitamin E deficiency, except ?
A) Hemolytic anemia
B) Posterior column abnormalities
C) Cerebellar ataxia
D) Autonomic dysfunction

Answer: D) Autonomic dysfunction

Q174: All of the following statements are true about Congenital Rubella except ?
A) It is diagnosed when the infant has IgM antibodies at birth
B) It is diagnosed when IgG antibodies persist for more than 6 months
C) Most common congenital defects are deafness, cardiac malformations and catarct
D) Infection after 16 weeks of gestation results in major congenital defects

Answer: D) Infection after 16 weeks of gestation results in major congenital defects

Q176: All of the following therapies may be required in a 1-hour-old infant with severe birth asphyxia except ?
A) Glucose
B) Dexamethasone
C) Calcium gluconate
D) Normal Saline

Answer: B) Dexamethasone

Q177: The most common cause of renal scarring in a 3 year old child is ?
A) Trauma
B) Tuberculosis
C) Vesicuureteral reflux induced pyelonephritis
D) Interstitial nephritis

Answer: C) Vesicuureteral reflux induced pyelonephritis

Q178: Which one of the following is the common cause of congenital hydrocephalus is ?
A) Craniosynostosis
B) Intra uterine meningitis
C) Aqueductal stenosis
D) Malformations of great vein of Galen

Answer: C) Aqueductal stenosis

Q179: In a child, non-functioning kidney is best diagnosed by ?
A) Ultrasonography
C) DTPA renogram
D) Creatinine clearance

Answer: C) DTPA renogram

Q180: The most common malignant neoplasm of infancy is ?
A) Malignant teratoma
B) Neuroblastoma
C) Wilm's tumor
D) Hepatoblastoma

Answer: B) Neuroblastoma

Q181: The most common presentation of a child with Wilm's tumor is ?
A) An asymptomatic abdominal mass
B) Haematuria
C) Hypertension
D) Hemoptysis due to pulmonary secondary

Answer: A) An asymptomatic abdominal mass

Q182: Eisenmenger syndrome is characterized by all except ?
A) Return of left ventricle & right ventricle to normal size
B) Pulmonary veins not distended
C) Pruning of peripheral pulmonary arteries
D) Dilatation of central pulmonary arteries

Answer: A) Return of left ventricle & right ventricle to normal size

Q183: The most common site of leak in CSF rhinorrhoea is ?
A) Sphenoid sinus
B) Frontal sinus
C) Cribriform plate
D) Tegmen tympani

Answer: C) Cribriform plate

Q184: Which of the following is the most common renal cystic disease in infants is ?
A) Polycystic Kidney
B) Simple renal cyst
C) Unilateral renal dysplasia
D) Calyceal cyst

Answer: C) Unilateral renal dysplasia

Q185: The most common type of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection is ?
A) Supracardiac
B) Infracardiac
C) Mixed
D) Cardiac

Answer: A) Supracardiac

Q186: Diagnosis of beta Thalassemia is established by ?
B) HbA1 C estimation
C) Hb electrophoresis
D) Target cells in peripheral smear

Answer: C) Hb electrophoresis