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Saturday 28 March 2020


Q.P. Code: 202001    Reg. no.: …………
Second Professional MBBS Degree Examinations February 2019
Pharmacology - Paper II
Time: 2 Hours     Max. Marks: 40
 Answer all questions
 Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essays (2x6=12)

1. Read the case history and answer the following questions: A 25 years old lady
reported to the hospital with complaints of low grade fever since 10 days and
weakness, fatigue, cough & expectoration since one month. Sputum was found to be
positive for AFB and X-ray chest showed fibrotic changes in the left upper lobe.

 What is the treatment regimen to be followed for the patient
 Explain the mechanism of action and adverse effects of Rifampicin
 What would you advise if the lady was pregnant

2. Classify corticosteroids. Describe the uses and adverse effects of glucocorticoids

Short Notes (5x3=15)

3. Clarithromycin
4. Methotrexate
5. Protease inhibitors
6. Ondansetron
7. Insulin Glargine

Write the Pharmacological basis for the use of: (3x1=3)

8. Penicillamine in Wilson’s disease
9. Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid
10.Lansoprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin in H. pylori infection

Write two uses and two adverse effects of the following: (3x1=3)


Choose the appropriate drug and Justify: (2x1=2)

14.Griseofulvin / Miconazole in candida albicans
15.Ciprofloxacin / Amoxicillin in urinary tract infection in pregnancy

Name the following (Two examples for each) (5x1=5)

16.Vinca alkaloids in cancer chemotherapy
17.Anti-seborrheic agents
18.Proton pump inhibitors
19.Drugs effective against both gram positive & gram negative organisms
20.Antithyroid drugs