Reg. no.: …………………
Third Professional MBBS (Part II) Degree Supplementary Examinations,
February 2018

Time: 3 Hours                                          Total Marks: 60
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary

           Q P Code: 307001                                                                             Marks: 30

Structured Essay (5)
1. A 60 years old male patient has come to surgical OPO with history of yellowish discoloration of eyes and urine for the past one month which is intermittent. He also gives history of passing dark coloured urine and clay coloured stools. On examination the patient has icterus with no other significant abdominal findings. Answer the following:
  • What are the probable differential diagnosis in this case scenario
  • What are the investigations to be done for proceeding in this case.
  • Discuss briefly upon the management of this case (1+2+2)

Short essays (2x6=12)
2. Prolapse rectum
3. Post gastrectomy syndrome

Clinical Situation (3)

4. A 35 years old male who consumes alcohol was brought to casualty with h/o of sudden onset of severe epigastric pain since 1 day. On examination he was febrile, had an anxious and sick look and was having tachycardia (+) with board like rigidity of abdomen, Answer the following:
  • What is the most likely diagnosis in this case.
  • How will you proceed to investigate this patient
  • Describe briefly upon management of this case

Short notes (5x2=10)

5. Phyto Bezoar
6. Gall stone Ileus
7.Mallory weiss syndrome
8. Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
9. Amoebic liver abscess