Q.P. Code: 306001                             Reg. no.: …………………
Third Professional MBBS (Part II) Degree Supplementary Examinations,
February 2018
General Medicine – II
Time: 3 Hours                                          Total Marks: 60
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay: (2 x 10 =20)

1. A 20 year young male travels in two wheeler in a dusty atmosphere develops sneezing and breathlessness He gives past episodes of wheezing. Auscultations of chest showed bilateral polyphonic wheezes. Answer the following:
  • What is your diagnosis
  • How will you investigate him
  • How will you manage
  • Precautions to prevent further episodes (2+3+2+3)

2.A young male with high risk behaviour (alcohol) developed agitations and tremulousness on hospitalization for medical illness
  • What is your diagnosis
  • How will you manage this patient
  • What are the complications
  • What are the hepatic complications of alcohol abuse (2+3+2+3)

Short notes (20x2=40)

3.Eating disorders
4.Causes of hematuria
5. postpartum psychosis
6. Clinical features of leprosy
7.Hazards of radiations
8.Metabolic syndrome

9. Cutaneous manifestation of HIV aids
10.Criteria for alcoholic dependence
11.Treatment of snake bite
12. Clinical features of Cushing syndrome
13.Management of eczema
14. Alpha glucosidase inhibitor
15.Dressler's syndrome
16.Amoebic liver abscess
17.Causes of end stage renal failure
18.Prognostic features in pneumonia
19.Dissociative disorder
20.Causes of hyperpigmentation
21.Radiological diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis
22.Radiological presentation of bronchogenic carcinoma