This section contains chapter wise arrangement of Previously asked questions in MBBS Degree Examinations conducted by KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences)

  1. Vincent’s angina
  2. Retropharyngeal abscess
  3. Cartilages of larynx
  4. Laryngeal crepitus
  5. Laryngomalacia
  6. Puberphonia
  7. Para pharyngeal space
  8. Vocal cord polyp
  9. Vocal nodule
  10. Complications of tonsillectomy
  11. Reactionary haemorrhage following tonsillectomy- causes and treatment
  12. Four causes for white membrane over the tonsil
  13. Peri tonsillar abscess
  14. Causes of stridor in children
  15. Adenoid facies
  16. Complications of adenoidectomy
  17. Reinke’s edema
  18. Constituents of Waldeyer’s ring
  19. Tracheostomy tubes
  20. Portex tracheostomy tube
  21. Complications of tracheostomy
  22. Four causes for left recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy
  23. Boundaries of pyriform fossa
  24. Oral sub mucous fibrosis
  25. Boundaries of facial recess
  26. Features of plummer vinson syndrome
Draw and label
  1. Diagram showing the structures seen through indirect laryngoscopy
  2. Draw a diagram of taste bud
  3. Draw a diagram showing the blood supply of tonsil
  4. Draw the diagram showing structures in tonsillar bed


1.A 55 year old man presented with progressive hoarseness and neck swelling since two months with stridor since one day. Answer the following
  • What is the most probable diagnosis?
  • Describe the clinical features of this condition
  • How will you investigate the condition?
  • How does the lesion spread?
  • What is the treatment of this condition? (1+2+2+2+3=10)