This section contains chapter wise arrangement of Previously asked questions in MBBS Degree Examinations conducted by KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences)

  1. Complications of FESS
  2. Name two major vessels in little area/ Name four arteries supplying little’s area
  3. Management of epistaxis
  4. Septal abscess
  5. Rhinoscleroma
  6. Rhinosporidiosis/ Treatment for rhinosporidiosis
  7. Rhinolalia aperta
  8. Allergic rhinitis
  9. Allergic fungal rhino-sinusitis
  10. Management of allergic rhinitis
  11. Atrophic rhinitis/ Four surgical treatments for atrophic rhinitis/ Medical management of atrophic rhinitis
  12. Four major complications of FESS
  13. Four complications of SMR operation
  14. Septoplasty/Four complications of septoplasty
  15. Four complications of acute sinusitis
  16. Four causes for bilateral nasal obstruction in a child
  17. Nasal polyposis
  18. Investigations in a case of CSF rhinorrhea
  19. Nasal bone fractures
  20. Cottle’s test
  21. Woodruff’s area

Draw and label
  1. Blood supply of nasal septum
  2. Picture showing the constituents of nasal septum
  3. Lateral wall of nose


1. A 16 years old male, presented with progressive nasal obstruction and sudden onset, unprovoked, painless and profuse bleeding from nose, nasal examination showed a pinkish smooth surfaced mass filling the nose and nasopharynx – presently as a bulge in the oral cavity and palsy of the soft palate. Answer the following :
  • What is the most probable diagnosis
  • Describe the clinical features of this condition
  • How will you diagnose this condition
  • Describe the route of spread
  • How will you manage this condition      (1+2+2+2+3=10)

2.A two years old child brought to the out patient department with complaints of nasal obstruction, foul smelling unilateral nasal discharge for past one month. Answer the following:
  • What is the probable diagnosis
  • What are the causes for unilateral nasal obstruction
  • What is the etiology of choanal atresia
  • What are the investigations to be done
  • Discuss the treatment of this child (1+2+2+2+3=10)

3. A 16 years old boy brought to the causality with severe spontaneous bleeding from the nose. He also gives the history of progressive nasal obstruction for the past 6 months. Answer the following:
  • What is the most probable diagnosis
  • Discuss the etiology, clinical features, investigations and treatment of the above mentioned condition (1+2+2+2+3=10)

4.Enumerate the causes of obstructive sleep apnea in children. Discuss the etiology, clinical features, investigations and treatment of any one of them. (2+1+2+2+3=10)