Q.P. Code: 204001                       Reg. no.: …………………
Second Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations,
October 2016
Hematology and Systemic Pathology - Paper II
Time: 2 Hours                                                              Total Marks: 40
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay: (8)

1. Classify tumors of the kidney. Discuss the gross and microscopy of the most common
renal tumor in adults (2+3+3= 8)

Short essay: (6)

2. An 18 years old lady presented with fatigue. Investigations: Hb5 g/dl TC 10,000 /cmm
platelet count 1.8 lakh/cmm. MCV 60 fl MCH 20 pg. Answer the following:
• What is your morphological diagnosis.
• Describe the peripheral blood picture
• Name the conditions in which this blood picture is seen
• How will you differentiate the above two conditions with laboratory tests

Short notes: (4x4=16)

3. Etiopathogenesis of bronchiectasis
4. Lab diagnosis of immune thrombocytopenic purpura
5. Peripheral smear findings in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
6. Teratoma

Answer briefly: (4x2=8)

7. List two causes of extra medullary hemopoiesis
8. Classification of tumors of the breast
9. Seminoma
10. Malignant melanoma

Answer in single sentence: (4x½=2)

11. Mott cell
12. Endometriosis
13. Hydatidiform mole
14. Reinke crystals