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Monday 29 January 2018


This section contains chapter wise arrangement of Previously asked questions in MBBS Degree Examinations conducted by KUHS(Kerala University of Health Sciences)
  1. Describe the intrinsic pathway of coagulation. Mention one test for assessing it
  2. Role of lymphocytes in immune functions/ Role of lymphocytes in immunity
  3. T lymphocyte
  4. Plasma cell
  5. Intrinsic mechanism of coagulation
  6. Formation and functions of Lymph
  7. Rh blood group system
  8. Bombay blood group
  9. Sickle cell anemia
  10. Fetal hemoglobin
  11. Hemophilia
  12. Maturation factors of RBC

Explain the Physiological basis
  1. Clotting of blood does not occur In-vivo normally
  2. Clotting occurs when blood is kept in a glass tube
  3. Purpura and hemophilia
  4. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
  5. Dicumarol as an anticoagulant
  6. Leucocytosis
  7. Reticulocytosis
  8. Rh incompatibility
  9. Megaloblasts in vitamin B12 deficiency anemia
  10. Bleeding tendency in vitamin k deficiency
  11. Protective effect of vaccination

1. A 40 years old obese women, complained of repeated attacks of
righthypochondrial pain and yellow coloration of eyes. Her serum
bilirubin -15mg/dl Vanderberg test was direct positive and serum
alkaline phosphatase was 50 IU.
  • Give the most appropriate name of this clinical condition.
  • What is the life span of RBC and how do you measure it ?
  • List the steps of breakdown of Hemoglobin  (1+3+6=10 marks)

2. An 8 year old boy presented with swelling of knee joint following a fall. He gave a past history of repeated episodes of bleeding after minor injuries. Blood investigations showed bleeding time-20 min,  platelet count-3 lakhs/cumm. Based on these findings a diagnosis of Hemophilia was made.
  • Name the different types and their causes
  • Comment on the investigations giving their normal values
  • What is the treatment (1.5+1.5+6+1=10 marks)

3. A 30 years old women visits a clinic with the complaints of difficulty in breathing and fatigue.She has menorrhagia for the past 3 months.Her Hb level is 6gm%,PCV20% and MCV is 62 cubic micron. Answer the following:

  • Name the clinical condtion.
  • Describe the blood picture in this condition.
  • Classify anemia based on etiology.
  • Describe iron deficiency anemia. (1+2+3+4=10)