Q.P. Code: 309001                          Reg. no.: …………………
Third Professional MBBS (Part II) Degree Supplementary Examinations,
September 2016
Obstetrics & Social Obstetrics - I
Time: 2 Hours                                                  Total Marks: 40
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay: (10)

1. A 25 years primigravida with 34 week gestation with H/O easy fatiguability, giddiness,
breathlessness, swelling of limbs. O/ E severe pallor, pedal oedema, raised JVP. Answer
the following.

  • What is the diagnosis What are the maternal complications.
  • Investigations to be done Describe the management. (1+2+3+4=10)

Short Essays: (3x4=12)

2. Biophysical profile
3. Active management of third stage of labour
4. PROM and its management

Short notes: (2x3=6)

5. APGAR score
6. Oxytocin

Answer briefly: (3x2=6)

7. Six common indications for LSCS
8. Amniocentesis
9. Diagnosis of GDM

One word answers: (4x1=4)

10. MMR(Maternal Mortality Rate)
11. Peurperium is upto ______ weeks
12. McDonald’s stitch is used in _____ condition
13. Implantation of placenta in lower uterine segment is ______

Draw and label: (2x1=2)

14. Types of placenta praevia
15. Caput succedaneum