This section contains chapter wise arrangement of Previously asked questions in MBBS Degree Examinations conducted by KUHS(Kerala University of Health Sciences)
  1. Inversion and eversion of foot (repeated)
  2. Venous drainage of lower limb
  3. Hip joint-articular surfaces, capsules and ligaments, muscles involved in the appropriate movements of the joint
  4. Ankle joint- type, bones articulating, movements occurring in that joint and muscles causing the movements
  5. Popliteal fossa-boundaries, contents and applied anatomy
  6. Inguinal canal-extent, boundaries, contents and applied anatomy
  7. Boundaries and contents of adductor canal
  8. Sciatic nerve: formation, course and branches
  9. Great saphenous vein: formation, course, termination and applied aspect
  10. Tibial collateral ligament
  11. Cruciate ligaments
  12. Greater sciatic foramen
  13. Extend and branches of femoral artery
  14. Head of femur
  15. Common peroneal nerve
  16. Gluteus maximus
  17. Structures under gluteus maximus
  18. Medial longitudinal arch of foot
  19. Medial collateral ligament of knee joint
  20. Longitudinal arches of foot
  21. Linea aspera
  22. Hamstring’s muscles

Draw and Label

  1. Boundaries and contents of femoral triangle (repeated)
  2. Longitudinal arches of foot
  3. Longitudinal arches of the foot
  4. Transverse section through knee joint


1. A 12 year old boy following an inadvertent intramuscular injection in the gluteal region developed certain neurological deficits including difficulty to dorsiflex the foot. With your knowledge of Anatomy answer the following questions:
  • Mention briefly the structures under cover of gluteus maximus
  • Name the structure which is affected in this case. Give its origin, course and distribution in the thigh
  • Give the cutaneous innervations of lower limb below knee
  • Name the muscles responsible for dorsiflexion and eversion of foot (2+4+2+2=10 marks)

2. A footballer is suffering from sustained injury to his right knee while kicking. His leg got forcefully abducted in a slightly flexed position.
  • Which is the likely meniscus has injured in this case.
  • Why this meniscus is more prone to injury as compared to the other one.
  • Enumerate the other intra capsular structures of the knee joint
  • Briefly describe the process of locking and unlocking at the knee joint (1+2+3+4 = 10)

3. While driving a car, a 30 year old man was accidently hit against a tree. He was rushed to the hospital. His chief complaint was that, he could not stand up because of severe pain. Physical examination revealed, his lower limb was slightly flexed, adducted, medially rotated and appeared shorter than the other limb. X-rays were taken. Posterior dislocation of the right hip with fracture of the posterior margin of acetabulum was diagnosed. With your knowledge in anatomy answer the following:
  • Mention the type and articular surfaces of hip joint
  • Describe the ligaments
  • Describe the blood supply of the joint giving its clinical importance
  • Which nerve is prone to get injured in this case? What is its origin and root value?
  • Enumerate the movements of the hip joint and the muscles producing them (1+3+2+2+2=10)