First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations - July 2017
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50
- Answer all questions
- Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Long Essay (10)
1. A college student was brought to the casualty with
history of road traffic accident. Among other clinical findings there was
evidence of injury of the facial nerve on the right side. From your knowledge of
anatomy answer the following:
- Describe the extra cranial course, relations, branches and distribution of the facial nerve.
- What clinical features are expected to be seen if the nerve is injured as it emerges from the stylomastoid foramen. (2+2+2+2+2)
Short essays (3x5=15)
2. Ischio-rectal fossa
3. Histology of pancreas
4. Orbicularis oculi muscle
Short notes (5x3=15)
5. Superior mesenteric artery
6. Fornix of brain
7. Descent of testis
8. Porto-caval anastomosis
9. Anterior relations of both kidneys
Short answers (3x2=6)
10. Sensory nerve supply of dorsum of tongue
11. Tributaries of the inferior vena cava in the abdomen
12. Trans pyloric plane
Draw diagrams (2x2=4)
13 Transverse section of the medulla at the level of
pyramidal decussation
14. Visceral surface of liver.