Q.P. Code: 101001 Reg. no.: …………………
First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations - July 2017
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50
- Answer all questions
- Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Long Essay (10)
1. Assisted delivery was required
during the birth of a baby at term. The maneuver involved an unusually wide stretching
at the neck shoulder angle. The neonate on examination by a neurologist showed
upper brachial plexus injury. Answer the following based on your anatomical
- describe the formation and branches of the brachial plexus
- explain the anatomical basis of the above lesion. (7+3)
Short essays (3 × 5= 15)
2. Broncho
pulmonary segments
3. Boundaries
and contents of adductor canal
4. Down syndrome
Short notes (5 × 3 = 15)
5. Sarcomere
6. Rotator
cuff muscles of the shoulder joint
7. Neural
8. Pericardial
9. Tibial
collateral ligament
Short answer (3 × 2= 6)
10. Head of
11. Tributaries
of the azygous vein
12. Fibrous
Draw diagrams (2x2=4)
13. Typical
spinal nerve
14. Longitudinal
arches of the foot