Q.P. Code: 310001                                               Reg. no.: …………………
Third Professional MBBS (Part II) Degree Supplementary Examinations, September 2015
Gynecology ( Family Welfare and Demography) - II
Time: 2 Hours                                                                                    Total Marks: 40
      Answer all questions
      Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay:           (10)
1. A 62 years old woman comes with post-menopausal spotting and whitish discharge pv.
Answer the following:
      What is the differential diagnosis
      What are the investigations
Management options              
Short Essays: 
2.    What are the obstetric  factors leading to prolapse
3.    What are the indications for IVF
4.    What are the causes of genitourinary fistula

Short notes:
5.    Male sterilization
6.    Hydatidiform mole
Answer briefly:
7.            Common sites of injury to the ureter during surgery
8.            Usual pelvic examination findings in pelvic inflammatory disease 9. What is cryptomenorrhoea
One word answers:
10. Malignant form of fibroid uterus
11. Commonest mode of spread of ca-cervix
12. Commonest tumor felt in the anterior fornix
13. Latest classification in degrees of prolapse uterus
Draw and label:
14. Lymphatic drainage of cervix
15. Trichomonas vaginalis