Q.P. Code: 101001 Reg. no.: …………………
First Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations
November 2020
Anatomy - Paper I
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50
- Answer all questions to the point neatly and legibly
- Do not leave any blank pages between answers
- Indicate the question number correctly for the answer in the margin space
- Answer all parts of a single question together
- Leave sufficient space between answers
- Draw table/diagrams/flow charts wherever necessary
Long Essay (10)
1. A middle aged male patient complained of low back pain
radiating to leg on right side
and numbness and weakness in various parts of leg and foot.
The condition was
diagnosed as sciatica. With your knowledge of anatomy answer
the following questions
- Describe the root value, formation and course of sciatic nerve
- Name the functional groups of muscles innervated by this nerve and its branches at various levels.
- Name the cutaneous branches of this nerve at various levels along its course.
Short essays (3x5=15)
2. Azygos vein
3. Intra embryonic mesoderm
4. Carpometacarpal joint of thumb
Short notes (5x3=15)
5. Microscopic structure of thymus
6. Decidua
7. Lymphatic drainage of breast
8. Sinuses of pericardium
9. Karyotyping
Short answer (3x2=6)
10.Rotator cuff of shoulder joint
11.Epiphyseal plate
12.Branches of axillary artery
Draw diagrams (2x2=4)
13.Transverse section through knee joint
14.Typical inter costal space