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Monday 20 July 2015


Question 157:Various cells respond differently to a second messenger (such as increased cAMP) because they have different ?
A) Receptors
B) Enzymatic composition
C) Nuclei
D) Membrane lipids

Question 158:Upper GI endoscopy and biopsy from lower esophagus in a 48 year old lady with chronic heart burn shows presence of columnar epithelium with goblet cells. The feature is most likely consistent with ?
A) Dysplasia
B) Hyperplasia
C) Carcinoma in-situ
D) Metaplasia

Question 159:The light brown perinuclear pigment seen on H&F staining of the cardiac muscle fibers in the grossly normal appearing heart of an 83- year old man at autopsy is due to deposition of ?
A) Hemosiderin
B) Lipochrome
C) Cholesterol metabolites
D) Anthracotic pigment


Question 160:The level of alpha-fetoprotein is raised in all of the following except ?
A) Cirrhosis of liver
B) Hepatocellular carcinoma
C) Yolksac tumor
D) Dysgerminoma

Question 161:The commonest cause of death in a patient with primary amyloidosis is ?
A) Renal failure
B) Cardiac involvement
C) Bleeding diathesis
D) Respiratory failure

Question 162:The commonest cause of death in a patient with primary amyloidosis is ?
A) Renal failure
B) Cardiac involvement
C) Bleeding diathesis
D) Respiratory failure

Question 163:Brain lipid binding protein is expressed by which of the following ?
A) Mature astrocytes
B) Oligodendrocytes
C) Purkinje cells
D) Pyramidal neurons

Question 164:At the physiological pH the DNA molecules are ?
A) Positively charged
B) Negatively charged
C) Neutral
D) Amphipathic

Question 165:A high amylase level in pleural fluid suggests a diagnosis of ?
A) Tuberculosis
B) Malignancy
C) Rheumatoid arthritis
D) Pulmonary infarction

Question 166:A 60- years man presented with fatigue weight loss and heaviness in left hypochodrium for 6 months. The hemogram showed Hb 10 gm/dL, TLC 5 laks/mm3, platelet count 4 laks/mm3 , DLC; neutrophil 55%, lymphocytes 4% montocytes 2 % basophiles 6% metamyelocytes 10% myeloytes 18%, promyelocytes 2% and blasts 3%. The most likely cytogenetic abnormality in this case is ?
A) t (8;21)
B) t (9;22)
C) t (15;17)
D) trisomy 21
