Q194.At what period does tuberculosis flare up most commonly in a pregnant patient?

A.     First trimester

B.     Second trimester

C.     Third trimester

D.     Puerperium.

Ans: D.  Puerperium.

Q195.which vitamin deficient is most commonly seen in a pregnant mother who is on phenytoin therapy for Epilepsy?

A.     Vitamin B6

B.     Vitamin B12

C.     Vitamin A.

D.     Folic Acid

Ans: D.  Folic Acid

Q196.Which of the following ovarian tumour is most prone to undergo torsion during pregnancy?

A.     Serous Cystadenoma

B.     Mucenous Cystadenoma

C.     Dermoid cyst

D.     Theca Lutein Cyst

Ans: C.   Dermoid cyst

Q197.Which one of the following congenital malformation of the fetus can be diagnosed in first trimester by ultrasound?

A.     Anencephaly

B.     Inencephaly

C.     Microcephaly

D.     Holoprosencephaly.

Ans: A.   Anencephaly

Q198.The most common cause of tubal block in India is:

A.     Gonorrhoea infection

B.     Chlamydia infection

C.     Tuberculosis

D.     Bacterial Vaginosis

Ans: C.   Tuberculosis

Q199.The following complications during pregnancy increase the risk of Post Partum Haemorrhage (PPH) except:

A.     Hypertension

B.     Macrosomia

C.     Twin pregnancy

D.     Hydramnios.

Ans: A.   Hypertension

Q200. Indicators of impending uterine rupture during labour include all of the following except:

A.     Fetal distress.

B.     Hematuria

C.     Fresh bleeding per vaginum

D.     Passage of meconium

Ans: D.  Passage of meconium

Q201.A primigravida presents to casually at 32 wks. of gestation with acute pain abdomen for 2hours, vaginal bleeding and decreased fetal movements, She should be managed by:

A.     Immediate caesarean section

B.     Immediate induction of labour

C.     Tocolytic therapy

D.     Magnesium sulphate therapy

Ans: B.   Immediate induction of labour

Q202.The best way of diagnosing Trisomy-21 during second trimester of pregnancy is:

A.     Triple marker estimation

B.     Nuchal skin fold thickness measurement

C.     Chorionic villus sampling

D.     Amniocentesis

Ans: D.  Amniocentesis