Q.P. Code: 202001                     Reg. no.: …………………
Second Professional MBBS Degree Examinations, September 2014
Pharmacology- Paper II

Time: 2 Hours                              Total Marks: 40

        Answer all questions
        Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essays: (2x6=12)

1.      Classification of fluoroquinolones. Describe the mechanism of action, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of sparfloxacin. (2+2+2=6)

2.      Read the case history and answer the following questions. Mr. Raman 32 years has developed severe epigastric pain after taking tab. Ibuprofen 400 mg tds for his joint pain

  • Mention two drugs used in NSAID induced gastric ulceration
  • Mechanism of action of proton pump inhibitors
  • Drugs for eradication of H.pylori infection

Short notes: (5x3=15) 

3.      Bisphosphonates
4.      Adverse effects of aminoglycosides
5.      Anti thyroid drugs
6.      Rifampicin
7.      Taxanes in cancer chemotherapy

Answer briefly: (5x1=5)
8.      Two uses and two adverse effects of oral contraceptive pills
9.      Mechanism of action of meoclopromide
10.   Two advantages of human insulin
11.   Specify the important spectrum of vancomycin
12.   Rationale of estrogen in hormone replacement therapy

Name two drugs for:  (8x1=8)

13.   Chloroquine resistant malaria
14.   Urinary tract infections
15.   Immunosuppressive in organ transplantation
16.   Irritable bowel syndrome
17.   Gram negative septicemia
18.   Tocolytics
19.   Aromatase inhibitors
20.   Retro viral infections