Q.P. Code: 203001                        ……………….
Second Professional MBBS Degree Examinations, September 2014
Clinical Pathology and General Pathology-Paper I
Time: 2 Hours                                     Total Marks: 40

  • Answer all questions
  • Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay: (8)

1. Define inflammation. Explain the sequential vascular changes in acute inflammation. What are the outcomes of acute inflammation  (1+4+3=8)

Short essay: (6)

2. 35 years male had low grade evening rise of temperature, loss of weight, cough and weakness. Answer the following:

  • What is your probable clinical diagnosis
  • What are the investigations required for the diagnosis
  • What is the microscopic finding
  • What is the etiology of the disease (1+2+2+1=6)

Short notes: (4×4=16)

3. Role of free radicals in cell injury
4. Pathogenesis of renal oedema
5. Semen analysis
6. Coomb’s test

Answer briefly: (4×2=8)

7. Ketonuria
8. CSF findings in pyogenic meningitis
9. Virchow’s triad
10. Epstein bar virus induced tumors in humans

Answer in single sentence: (4×0.5=2)

11. Define metaplasia
12. Barr body
13. List two urinary casts
14. Two uses of PCV tube