Q.P.Code:                                            Reg. no.: …………………
Third Professional MBBS Part II Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
General Medicine - II
Time: 3 Hours                    Total Marks: 60

             Answer all questions
             Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essays: (2x10=20)

1. 28 years old male found in a drowsy state, was brought to casualty.  On examination, pulse was 48 per minute, blood pressure 112/68 mm of Hg, respiratory rate 28/ minute, pin-pointed pupils, wide spread fasciculations, and bilateral rales on chest auscultation.  Answer the following

  • What is your diagnosis       
  • Discuss the patho-physiology of this condition                               
  • What are the complications that may occur       
  • Discuss the management   (1+2+3+4=10)

2. 32 years old multi-para came to out patient department with exertional breathlessness and fatigability. She had been experiencing marked craving for ‘raw rice’. On examination, had pallor and spoon-shaped nails. Answer the following: 

  • What is the most likely diagnosis      
  • What is the patho-physiology of this disease    
  • How will you investigate this lady      
  • Discuss the management               (1+2+3+4=10)

Short Notes.  (2x20=40)           

3. Management of bronchial asthma.                     
4. Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN)                          
5. Prophylaxis of venous thrombosis                       
6. The WHO analgesic ladder
7. Methicillin resistant staph. aureus (MRSA)
8. Peripheral smear and bone marrow in megaloblastic anemia
9. Complications of leptospirosis
10. Treatment of  cerebral malaria
11. Peritoneal  dialysis
12. Reactive arthritis                     
13. Chest X-ray in cardiac failure.                             
14. Drug treatment of depression
15. Aminoglycosides                             
16. Initiation of anti retroviral therapy.                    
17. CSF findings in tuberculous meningitis                               
18. Clinical features and management of Russell’s viper bite
19. Anaphylaxis
20. DOTS therapy for tuberculosis
21. Enteral tube feeding. 
22. Dengue fever.