Q.P. Code: 202001 Reg. no.: …………………
Second Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations, September 2013
Pharmacology- Paper II
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40
- Answer all questions
- Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays: (2x6=12)
1. Classify anti malarial drugs. Mention the adverse effects and therapeutic uses of chloroquine.
2. Read the clinical problem and answer the following questions. A 20 years old pregnant woman developed a mild upper respiratory tract infection .She was given cap. Tetracycline 250mg thrice daily for three days.
- Comment on the treatment for a mild bacterial infection.
- Comment on the use of tetracycline in pregnancy.
- If it was a severe infection, what will be your choice of antibiotic in a pregnant woman. (2+2+2=6)
Short notes: (5x3=15)
3.Insulin analogues.
4. Second generation cephalosporins and its uses.
5. Therapeutic uses and adverse effects of rifampicin.
6. Metronidazole.
7. Ivermectin.
Answer briefly: (5x1=5)
8. Mention two uses and two adverse effects of fluconazole
9. Comment on the drug interaction produced by sulfonylureas and salicylates.
10. Mention anti pseudomonal penicillins
11. Rationale for the combination of oestrogen and progesterone in OCPs.
12. Mechanism of action of oseltamivir.
Name two drugs for: (8x1=8)
13. H.Pylori infection
14. Vomiting
15. Pseudomembranous colitis.
16. Multi bacillary leprosy.
17. Filariasis.
18. Rheumatoid arthritis
19. Osteoporosis.
20. HIV infection..