Q.P. Code: 206001 Reg. no.:…………………
Second Professional
MBBS Degree Examinations, April 2013
Microbiology-Paper II
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40
Answer all questions
Draw diagrams where ever necessary
Essay: (10)
1. Read the clinical history and answer the following
A 35 year old man presented to the medical OPD with a
history of intractable diarrhea for the past one week. He gave past history of
multiple exposure six months back. On clinical examination he was emaciated and
oral thrush was present
- What is the provisional diagnosis?
- Mention the different routes of transmission of this condition
- Explain the pathogenesis of the above clinical condition
- Describe briefly the laboratory investigations
- What is the confirmatory test?
- Mention any four important opportunistic infections associated with this disease
Short Essay: (2×5=10)
2. Hydatid disease
3. Pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of falciparum
Short Notes: (10×2=20)
4. Giardiasis
5. Cryptosporidium parvum
6. Tineaversicolor
7. Candida albicans
8. Mycotoxins
9. Mucormycosis
10. Infectious mononucleosis
11. Prophylaxis of rabies
12. Inclusion bodies
13. MMR vaccine