Q.P. Code: 204001                          Reg. no.: …………………
Second Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations,
February 2017
Hematology and Systemic Pathology - Paper II
Time: 2 Hours                                                    Total Marks: 40
• Answer all questions

• Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay (8)

1. Define acute myeloid leukemia. Classify acute myeloid leukemia and mention the blood picture and clinical features. (1+3+4=8)

Short essay: (6)

2. 55 years old female presented with postmenopausal bleeding and foul smelling discharge. P/V examination revealed unhealthy, indurated ulcerated cervix. Answer the following.
  • What is the provisional diagnosis
  • How do you establish the diagnosis
  • Describe microscopic picture of the lesion
  • Mention the prognosis of the lesion         (1+2+2+1=6)

Short notes:  (4x4=16)

3. Renal pathology in diabetes mellitus
4. Chronic active hepatitis etiology and microscopic picture
5. Etiology of aplastic anemia
6. Salivary gland tumors

Answer briefly: (4x2=8)

7. Osteoclastoma
8. Mesothelioma
9. Types of gall stones
10. Gouty arthritis

Answer in single sentence: (4x1/2=2)

11. Precancerous lesion of intestine
12. Name four glial tumors
13. Hashimoto's thyroiditis
14. Berry aneurysm