This section contains chapter wise arrangement of Previously asked questions in MBBS Degree Examinations conducted by KUHS(Kerala University of Health Sciences)

  1. Superior constrictor muscle
  2. Palatine tonsil
  3. Auditory tube
  4. Tympanic membrane
  5. Medial wall of middle ear
  6. Enumerate the arteries and nerves supplying anterior quadrant of  scalp
  7. Facial nerve in the face
  8. Mandibular nerve
  9. Motor and sensory innervation of tongue
  10. Hyoglossus muscle
  11. Structures over hyoglossus
  12. Sensory nerve supply of dorsum of tongue
  13. Enumerate the muscles of the soft palate
  14. Interior of larynx (repeated)
  15. Levator palpebrae superioris
  16. Orbicularis oculi muscle
  17. Posterior triangle of neck
  18. Lacrimal apparatus
  19. Lacrimal sac
  20. Middle meatus of nose
  21. Nasal septum
  22. Lateral wall of nasal cavity
  23. Ansa cervicalis
  24. Branches of external carotid artery
  25. Superior vena cava
  26. Microscopic anatomy of submandibular salivary gland
  27. Structures related to the antero-medial surface of the parotid gland
  28. Thyroid gland- external features, relations, blood supply and development
  29. Relations of thyroid gland
  30. Blood supply of thyroid gland
  31. Piriform recess

Draw and Label

  1. Distribution of cutaneous nerves to head and neck
  2. Anterior triangle of neck with its subdivisions


1. The morning after a particularly good party, a 25 year old man awoke and yawned widely. He heard a click and found that he could not close his mouth. He also experienced sharp, severe pain on both sides of his face just in front of the ear. He was then unable to eat or speak clearly.                                                           
  • Explain what was happened to him
  • Name the muscles involved in the movement of the jaw
  • Discuss briefly the anatomical features of the joint at which these muscles act including its relation, blood supply, nerve supply and movements
  • On anatomical grounds, explain how this person’s condition could be managed  (1.5+2+5+1.5=10 marks)

2. A 10 year old boy was brought to the O.P with fever and difficulty in opening his mouth and chewing. On examination there was a swelling in front of his left ear associated with tenderness. Based on your knowledge in Anatomy answer the following questions.
  • Name the structure affected in this case
  • Describe the coverings, surfaces and borders of the structure
  • Mention the structure traversing it
  • Give the nerve supply of the structure  (1+5+2+2=10 marks)

3. A 4 year old child swallowed a shirt button. Since the child began to suffocate she was rushed to the hospital, where on x-ray examination,impaction of foreign body in the larynx was confirmed. Based on your knowledge in anatomy, answer the following questions.
  • Which is the narrowest part of the laryngeal cavity
  • Briefly describe the interior of larynx
  • Which muscle is known as the safety muscle of the larynx and why
  • Name the joints at which the muscles of larynx act and briefly mention the movements taking place at these joints
  • What anatomical structures in the midline of neck are encountered during surgical approach to trachea below isthmus of thyroid gland          (1+3.5+1+2.5+2=10)

4. A 55year old woman complained of midline nodular swelling in the front of her neck which moves on swallowing. On examination she had slight tremors on outstretched hands; Pulse was 111 per min, BP 156/100 mm Hg and slight blurring of eyes. She also told that, she had lost weight and feels feverish. Answer the following:
  • Which organ is likely to be involved
  • Why does this swelling move during swallowing
  • Mention the relations of this organ
  • Explain the blood supply of this organ and mention the precautions to be taken wile ligating these vessels during surgery(1+2+3+4=10)

5. A college student was brought to the casualty with history of road traffic accident. Among other clinical findings there was evidence of injury of the facial nerve on the right side. From your knowledge of anatomy answer the following:

Describe the extra cranial course, relations, branches and distribution of the facial nerve.
What clinical features are expected to be seen if the nerve is injured as it emerges from the stylomastoid foramen.  (2+2+2+2+2)

6.  A patient had a swelling below the lower jaw on the right side. The swelling increased in size during eating. The surgeon did a bi digital examination of the swelling. Based on your knowledge in anatomy, answer the following questions:
  • Which salivary gland is palpated in this case and what is the cause of the swelling in this patient.
  • Name the parts of this gland and the muscle that separates these parts.
  • Mention the relations of this gland .
  • What is the length of its duct and where does it open. 
  • Draw a diagram to show the secretomotor innervation of this gland.  
  • Narrate the microscopic structure of the gland involved (2+1+2+1+2+2=10) 

7. A 55 years old man presented with a rapidly growing swelling on the left side his face just below the ear lobule.  On examination, the ear lobule was found to be lifted by the swelling.  Following surgical excision of the swelling, the person found it difficult to close the left eye and blow the cheek.  The angle of mouth was deviated to the right. Based on your knowledge in anatomy, answer the following questions:
  • Which anatomical structure is likely to be involved to form the swelling. 
  • Briefly describe the external features, relations and blood supply of the structure involved
  • Accidental injury to which nerve is the probable cause of the man’s difficulties mentioned in the question.
  • Briefly explain the reasons for these disabilities(1+6+1+2=10)

8. A patient brought to causality following road traffic accident had bulging of left eye ball with every radial pulse beat. X-ray revealed fracture of left half of body of sphenoid. Answer the following questions:
  • Mention the location and extent to cavernous sinus
  • Its relations and its tributaries
  • Mention the reason for pulsating bulge of left eyeball in the above patient
  • Classify the cranial dural venous sinuses (2+6+1+1=10)