This section contains chapter wise arrangement of Previously asked questions in MBBS Degree Examinations conducted by KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences)
  1. Define enzymes. Classify enzymes according to IUB system with one example each. Mention three enzymes commonly estimated after myocardial infarction (1+3+6=10)
  2. Define and classify enzymes. Give one example for each class and mention the reaction catalysed.
  3. What are enzymes. Explain briefly the factors affecting the velocity of enzyme catalyzed reactions.
  4. Explain different types of enzyme inhibition giving suitable examples
  5. What is meant by suicide enzyme inhibition? Explain with one example
  6. List two clinical examples of competitive inhibition
  7. Regulation of enzyme activity
  8. Diagnostic significance of serum enzymes
  9. Name different types of specificity shown by enzymes with examples/ Enumerate three types of enzyme specificity
  10. Isoenzymes
  11. Pro-enzymes
  12. Allosteric enzymes
  13. Ribozymes
  14. Zymogen activation
  15. What is the basis of curdling of milk?
  16. Mention any two enzymes used as therapeutic agents
  17. Define Km value/ Define Km value and state its importance
  18. Enzymes as markers of myocardial infarction
  19. Give the normal serum values of CPK-MB
  20. Name the coenzyme required for transamination reactions  
  21. Name two therapeutic enzymes/Mention one therapeutic use of enzyme
  22. Mention the zinc containing enzymes
  23. List two reactions where the folic acid is the co-enzyme
  24. Michaelis Menten constant
  25. Significance of km values
  26. What are cathepsins