This section contains chapter wise arrangement of Previously asked questions in MBBS Degree Examinations conducted by KUHS(Kerala University of Health Sciences)
  1. Decidua
  2. Spermiogenesis
  3. Oogenesis
  4. Neural crest
  5. Enumerate the derivatives of neural crest
  6. Somites
  7. Placenta- formation and anomalies
  8. Developmental descent of testis
  9. Development of pancreas
  10. Development of pituitary gland
  11. Development and congenital anomalies of face
  12. Development of placenta
  13. Development of lungs
  14. Development of portal vein
  15. Development of anal canal
  16. Development and congenital anomalies of palate.
  17. Development of tongue
  18. Derivatives of mid gut
  19. Development of lips
  20. Derivatives of pre arterial segments of midgut loop
  21. Right atrium development
  22. Effects of fertilization
  23. Fertilization
  24. Implantation
  25. Neural tube
  26. First branchial arch
  27. Intra embryonic mesoderm-formation, parts and derivatives