This section contains chapter wise arrangement of Previously asked questions in MBBS Degree Examinations conducted by KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences)
  1. Define thalassemia and mention the different types of thalassemia
  2. Liver function tests
  3. Un-conjugated hyperbilirubinemias
  4. Creatinine clearance/ Define renal clearance
  5. Mention the normal level of serum creatinine
  6. Urea clearance test
  7. Rf value
  8. Acute phase proteins
  9. Bence-Jones proteins
  10. ELISA/ What are the enzymes commonly used in ELISA Technique
  11. Western blot technique
  12. Southern blot technique
  13. Beer-Lambert’s law
  14. Factors affecting electrophoresis
  15. Functions of albumin
  16. The normal albumin-globulin ratio and mention a condition in which it is reversed
  17. Mention the normal serum albumin level and list two conditions where serum albumin is decreased
  18. Principle of chromatography
  19. Principle of radioimmunoassay
  20. What is post hepatic jaundice? How is it diagnosed biochemically?
  21. Blood and urinary findings in various types of jaundice
  22. Give the normal serum levels of Calcium and Sodium
  23. Name the liver function tests
  24. Clinical significance of ALP
  25. Name two hormones causing increased levels of cyclic AMP
  26. Effects of radiation on normal tissue
  27. Applications of radio activity
  28. Mention the acute phase reactants
  29. Normal blood level of urea and glucose