This section contains chapter wise arrangement of Previously asked questions in MBBS Degree Examinations conducted by KUHS (Kerala University of Health Sciences)
  1. Describe by a flow diagram the reactions of glycolysis giving names of enzymes involved. Explain its regulation and add a note on the energetic in aerobic & anaerobic conditions. (6+2+2=10)
  2. Enumerate irreversible steps of glycolysis with the enzymes involved/ Mention any two key enzymes of glycolysis
  3. Explain in detail glycogenesis and glycogenolysis. Mention the enzyme defects in any two of glycogen storage disorders (4+4+2=10)
  4. Define HMP shunt pathway and mention its significance/Significance of HMP shunt pathway/ Importance of HMP shunt pathway
  5. Trace  the  pathway  of  gluconeogenesis  starting  from  alanine/ Glucose Alanine cycle. Mention its significance.  Mention  the  key enzymes and how they are regulated. (5+3+2=10)
  6. Define gluconeogenesis. Name the gluconeogenic substrates
  7. Kreb’s cycle
  8. Name two carbon dioxide releasing steps in the TCA cycle/ Why TCA cycle is called amphibolic
  9. Describe glycogen metabolism
  10. Complication of Diabetes mellitus
  11. Diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes mellitus
  12. Structure of human insulin/ Discuss the primary structure of human insulin
  13. Glycation of haemoglobin and it's significances
  14. Gluconeogenesis/ Discuss the significance of gluconeogenesis
  15. Key enzymes of gluconeogenesis
  16. Deficient enzyme and clinical features in galactosemia
  17. Enzyme defect in lactose intolerance
  18. Glucose transporters
  19. Glycosaminoglycans/ What are glycosamino glycans. List two examples with its functions?
  20. Mention two glycogen storage diseases with their deficient enzyme
  21. Name the enzyme deficient in Von Gierke's disease
  22. What is Gaucher’s disease? Mention two clinical features
  23. Mention the enzyme deficient in Tay Sach’s disease
  24. Cori’s cycle/Enzyme deficiency in Cori’s disease
  25. Enzyme deficiency in Mc Ardle syndrome
  26. Linkage present in sucrose
  27. Classification of glycolipids
  28. Mutarotation
  29. What are epimers?/Epimer of glucose
  30. Important product of Rapaport Lubering cycle in RBC/ List the functions of Rapaport Lubering cycle
  31. Fate of pyruvate
  32. Lactose intolerance
  33. Mention the reaction catalyzed by ATP-citrate lyase
  34. Invert sugar
  35. Essential pentosuria
  36. Substrate level phosphorylation
  37. Mention the biochemical defect in fructosuria
  38. What is HbA1C and mention its clinical importance
  39. Why sample for glucose estimation is collected in a fluoride bottle
  40. Why starch can be utilized by humans but not cellulose
  41. Two co-enzyme roles of NADPH
  42. Normal blood level of urea and glucose
  43. Benedict’s test