Q102.The postero superior retraction pocket, if allowed to progress, will lead to:

A.     Sensori-neural hearing loss.

B.     Secondary Cholesteatoma.

C.     Tympanoscelerosis.

D.     Tertiary cholesteatoma.

Ans: B.   Secondary Cholesteatoma.

Q103.A 30 year old male is having Attic cholesteatoma of left ear with lateral sinus thrombophelebitis.  Which of the following will be the operation of choice?

A.     Intact canal wall mastiodectomy.

B.     Simple mastoidectomy with Tympanoplasty.

C.     Canal wall down mastoidectomy.

D.     Mastoidectomy with cavity obliteration.

Ans: C.   Canal wall down mastoidectomy.

Q104.Which of the following conditions causes the maximum hearing loss?

A.     Ossicular disruption with intact  tympanic membrane

B.     Disruption of malleus and incus as well tympanic membrane.

C.     Partial fixation of the stapes foorplate.

D.     Ottitis media with effusion.

Ans: A.   Ossicular disruption with intact  tympanic membrane

Q105.During inspiration the main current of airflow in a normal nasal cavity is through:

A.     Middle part of the cavity in middle meatus in a parabolic curve.

B.     Lower part of the cavity in the inferior meatus in a parabolic curve.

C.     Superior part of the cavity in the superior meatus.

D.     Through olfactory area.

Ans: A.   Middle part of the cavity in middle meatus in a parabolic curve.

Q106.Which is the investigation of choice in assessing hearing loss in neonates ?

A.     Impedance audiometry.

B.     Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA).

C.     Free field audiometry.

D.     Behavioral audiometry.

Ans: B.   Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA).