Q.P. Code: 104001 Reg. No.: ………
First Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations
January 2019
Physiology – Paper II
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50
- Answer all questions
- Draw Diagrams wherever necessary
Long essay (10)
1. A married female aged 25 years has history of amenorrhoea for three months. She also has early morning sickness. Answer the following questions based on your knowledge in physiology:
- What is your diagnosis
- Describe one test to confirm your diagnosis
- Describe neuroendocrine reflex in parturition and lactation
- Add a note on foeto-placental unit (1+2+5+2)
Short essays (2x5=10)
2. Describe the connections and functions of cerebellum
3. Explain impedance matching occurring in the ear and describe the tympanic reflex
Answer briefly (5x3=15)
4. Referred pain
5. Law of projection
6. Functions of progesterone
7. Steps in thyroid hormone synthesis
8. Normal EEG waves
Draw and label (2x2½=5)
9. Visual pathway.
10. Hormonal changes during a normal menstrual cycle.
Explain the physiological basis of the following (5x2=10)
11. Hypothalamic disorders results in obesity
12. Sodium-potassium pump helps to maintain RMP in a neuron
13. Liver plays a major role to produce hyperglycaemia in diabetes mellitus
14. Pyramidal tract lesions produces exaggerated deep tendon reflexes
15. Deficiency of somatomedins in human beings may result in dwarfism