Q.P. Code: 103001 Reg. No.: …………
First Professional MBBS Degree Regular/Supplementary Examinations
August 2019
Physiology - Paper I
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50
- Answer all questions
- Draw Diagrams wherever necessary
Long essay (10)
1. Eighteen hours after arrival at an altitude of 12000 feet, a man has headache, irritability, insomnia, breathlessness, nausea and vomiting. Answer the following:
- What is he suffering from
- What are the changes taking place in the body systems during acclimatization to high altitude
- Explain the physiological basis of these changes (1+4+5)
Short essays (2x5 =10)
2. Short term regulation of blood pressure
3. Reticulo-endothelial system
Answer briefly (5x3=15)
4. Defecation reflex
5. Fibrinolytic system
6. Roll of skin in heat loss mechanisms
7. Factors affecting venous return
8. Pacemaker potential
Draw and label (2x2½ =5)
9. Cystometrogram
10.Physiological organization of Respiratory Centers
Explain the physiological basis of the following (5x2=10)
11.Physiological dead space
12.Neutrophilia in acute bacterial infections
13.Plateau phase of Action potential in Ventricular Myocyte.
14.Entero-hepatic circulation
15.Severe tachycardia is harmful to the individual