Q.P. Code: 105001 Reg. no.: ………
First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations August 2018
Biochemistry – Paper I
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50
- Answer all questions
- Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay (10)
1. Discuss the reactions of citric acid cycle. Explain its amphibolic role
Short essays (2x5=10)
2. Regulation of blood glucose level
3. Explain the steps of beta oxidation of fatty acids
Short notes (5x3=15)
4. Glucose transporters
5. Importance of glutathione peroxidase
6. Bile salts and its functions
7. Principle of electrophoresis
8. Name the metabolic disorders associated with aromatic amino acids
Answer briefly (5x2=10)
9. Km value and its significance
10.Compare and contrast starch with glycogen
11.Proteolytic enzymes
12.Functions of prostaglandins
13.What is substrate level phosphorylation. Mention two examples
Give precise answers: (5x1=5)
14.Name the high energy compounds
15.Biological defect in Hartnup’s disease
16.What are glycosides. Mention one example.
17.Diagnostic significance of gamma glutamyl transpeptidase
18.Action of hormone sensitive lipase