Q.P. Code: 309001                             Reg. no.: …………………
Third Professional MBBS (Part II) Degree Supplementary Examinations,
February 2018
Obstetrics and Social Obstetrics I
Time: 2 Hours                                          Total Marks: 40
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay: (10)

1. Define postpartum hemorrhage and mention its causes. What are the pre-existing risk factors for PPH. Discuss the management of PPH after vaginal delivery. Mention the active management of 3rd stage of labour (2+2+4+2)

Short Essays: (3x4=12)

2.Describe the mechanism of normal labour.
3. Causes of recurrent pregnancy loss.
4. Classification and management of HELLP syndrome.

Short notes: (2x3=6)

5. Complications of twin gestation.
6. Indications and prerequisites for forceps delivery

Answer briefly: (3x2=6)

7. Plane of least pelvic dimensions.
8. Ultra sonographic diagnosis of I.U.G.R.
9. Clinical features of scar dehiscence

One word answers: (4x1=4)

10. Measurement of uterine contraction is -
11.Incidence of breech presentation at term is -
12. Diameter for diagnosis of mid pelvic contraction
13. Calorie intake for normal pregnancy

Draw and label: (2x1=2)

14 internal iliac artery and branches.
15. Types of ectopic pregnancy