Q.P. Code: 310001                             Reg. no.: …………………
Third Professional MBBS (Part II) Degree Supplementary Examinations,
February 2018
Gynecology (Family Welfare and Dernogrnphy) - II
Time: 2 Hours                                          Total Marks: 40
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Essay: (10)

1. A 52 years female, Para 4 living 4 with all vaginal deliveries, came with complaints of something coming out of vagina for 8 months and increased frequency of micturition for two months. Answer the following:
  • What is the etiology of it
  • Describe supports of uterus
  • Management of the condition. (3+3+4)

Short Essays: (3x4=12)

2.Screening of cervical cancer
3. Define infertility and write about tubal patency tests
4. Barrier contraceptives

Short notes: (2x3=6)

5. Vaginal candidiasis.
6. Turners syndrome

Answer briefly: (3x2=6)

7. Normal semen analysis.
8. Bartholin's cyst.
9. Indications of laparoscopy in gynecology.

One word answers: (4x1=4)

10.Clue cells are seen in………………………
11.Most common virus implicated for cervical cancer
12.Condition where menstrual blood fails to come out of the genital tract due to obstruction in the passage is called as………………
13.'Call Exner bodies' are seen in which ovarian tumor

Draw and label: (2x1=2)

14.Trichomonas vaginalis
15. Mature Graafian follicle.